Azure Hawker AH-ESC-001 Electronic Speed Controller. Azure Hawker worked closely with Tiny4x4 and the Orlandoo community in the design of this board. As a result, we have a super little ESC, which is perfect for Orlandoos and also other micro crawlers. The AH-ESC-001 does everything the TS0001 does, but better. And we mean lots better! It also packs in a great high-end feature set. Not only does it pull this off within an almost identical foot print, it also comes in at a crazy low price!
Functions: Azure Hawker AH-ESC-001
- Forward / Reverse
- Up to 4.2A
- 2S (7.4v) or 3S (11.1v) Input voltage
- Drag Brake
- LVC (Low voltage cut-out)
- Automatic LiPo Detection
- Signal Loss Failsafe
- Four-Output Light Control (front, brake, side and reverse)
- 4.2v low voltage servo output
- 5v 1A BEC (receiver supply)
- 19 kHz PWM Motor Frequency (silent operation)
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