Geko24 Hop-up Coil Spring Sets

USD $3.50

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Geko24 Hop-up Coil Spring Sets. If you find the spring rate of your Geko24 is too soft, one of these hop-up spring sets is for you. Available in two different spring rates, you can choose between medium (yellow) or hardest (turquoise). Please note that the soft (red) and hard (blue) options are now discontinued. Whatever rate you need, each set contains four springs.

It is worth noting that the stock Geko24 springs are the softest option available – so any of these sets will stiffen your ride. They are particularly useful if you intend to use a die-cast body or high-capacity battery with your truck. These springs are suitable for use with the stock 20mm shock shafts, and will work with the longer 24mm shafts to provide a semi-droop setup.

Specifications: Geko24 Hop-up Coil Spring Sets
  • Construction: Plastic-coated spring steel
  • Color: Choose red, yellow, blue or turquiose
  • Quantity: 4x Springs per set
Compatible With
  • Geko GK-24 v1, v2, v3 and v4 Chassis Set (discontinued)

Additional information

Weight 6 g
Dimensions (Packaging Size) 50 × 50 × 12 mm
Spring rate

Softest (red), Soft (yellow), Hard (blue), Hardest (aqua)


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